The Sheer Cliffs of Meteora

Meteora was in one word: Astonishing.

One of the monasteries on a cliff in Meteora. I insist you click and look at the rest!

I came to Meteora without ever having seen pictures of the cliffs or the monasteries on top of them. Even if I had seen pictures before hand I don’t think it would have prepared me for such sights. I thought it might have been what my mom experienced going to Santorini and seeing the caldera for the first time. She thought it would just be a quaint little town on top of a cliff perhaps not much different than the one I live on in Bend. I never experienced anything so breathtaking as the cliffs of Meteora though. Not just large mountains, but sheer cliffs falling off into nothingness below. I’m used to mountains, I have lots of them where I grew up but this was something totally different. I don’t think pictures can really do it justice since there isn’t much to compare their size to other than the monastery on top. There are 6 monasteries left in Meteora and only a couple still house monks, the others are very catered to tourists now. The 5 of us ended up going to two large monasteries and then since it was 90 degrees F decided to go explore town instead of walking the long way down the road to another.

I am so so glad that I decided to travel this weekend instead of staying in Athens. It really made me realize that I’ve only seen a portion of what this magnificent country has to show me. Besides Meteora I have yet to really explore anything north of Athens ( look on a map, that’s a HUGE amount of land) or any of the islands in the Ionian Sea. I have a renewed feeling of excitement for being here and think that I’ll have a great last week here in Greece! I still look forward to going home in a week but still feel like there is more to do while I’m here!

Tomorrow I get to interview the cook at Vyrinis for her coconut chocolate recipe and maybe some others so stay tuned for that as I work on finishing up my book on Vyrinis for my Creating Impressions class! Love you all!

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